Rose - Hikari | Zedkiel

Digital artist | Virtual Photographer

Digital artist and designer since 2018, also became a virtual photographer in FFXIV. I offer various types of commissions, such as art, emotes, edited screenshots, and more ff14 themed commissions.
notes: I have 2 instagram accounts, one for gpose/FFXIV edits, and one for art. The carrd icon represents my second carrd link that I use for FFXIV screenshot comics!

  • Commissions: Closed | (but don't hesitate to contact me if you want to be added to my list of people to recontact when they reopen!)

  • Trades: Closed

  • Requests: Closed

  • Contact me: On Deviantart / Instagram / Discord: .zedkiel.

  • Contact pro: [email protected]

About the Artist

Who are you?

I'm Zedkiel, a French digital artist, but you can call me Zed!
My artist name is Rose-Hikari because "Rose" was my first name online, and "Hikari" represents my favourite kanji, the light one: 光.

When did you start drawing, and why?

I started drawing digitally in 2018! I remember watching a lot of speedpaints on youtube when I was younger, and I remember saying to my parents that it was "magic". But once I started understanding how it was made, I told them I wished to get a tablet to learn how to draw digitally!As far back as I can remember, I have always drawn. My first big piece was to recreate a big puzzle into an A3 canvas in full colours, and if nothing changed, my drawing is still pinned on a wall in one of my schools. It was my first big accomplishment as an artist.Art has always been more than a hobby, it is a passion, it was what comforted me when I was younger and what helped me to communicate with other people. I started drawing on paper, and later on switched to digital art.

How did you learn?

I get asked this question a lot, and probably a lot of other artists as well. When I think back at my first year of digital art, I honestly can't remember how i managed to develop the style i have today, so instead I will give some advice:- If you wish to learn, can be anything, digital art, music, photography..., you need time and patience. A lot of artists - like me - are self taught, meaning they kept practicing for years to achieve their goal.
- You don't need an expensive school to be a good artist. You just need to keep going, even if at the beginning you're not satisfied with your art. Everyone starts somewhere!

What do you use to draw?

I draw on Paint Tool SAI for the biggest part, and I also use Photoshop when it comes to specific effects, such as glitch, chromatic aberration, direction blur...
I use the tiniest Wacom tablet without a screen, and it's still my very first tablet! If it ever stops working and I need to buy a new one, I won't upgrade to a better model, or a screen tablet. I think I will buy the exact same one because I am used to it.

About your edited screenshots for FFXIV, how do you do that?

It's another question I'm asked a lot! Well, it's the same thing as drawing a full artwork on a blank page. Depending on the edit I wish to create, I sometimes keep the character only, on a transparent background, and import it on my art program. With that, I start painting and texturing all the elements I need: can be clothes, background, fantasy elements...If you wish to see my progress, you can check my instagram, I usually post the base screenshot before editing next to the final result, so people can have an idea.

Can you show your art progress?

Sure! I will share a few artworks with their creation date here, so you can see how my skills improved over the last 6 years.





The first image is the very first piece of digital art I made/finished. As you can see, 6 years ago I had no idea how it worked, how canine anatomy looked like etc.
The second image was made after watching a tutorial for "realistic" hair... and my result is far from realistic! At that time I didn't have a favourite art program to draw, I kept switching and testing new ones because I wanted "the best of the best".
I practiced for months to achieve the result you see on the third image. The anatomy is a bit better but there's still a lot of issue, and it was one of the first times I attempted to draw a background.





In 2019, I tried learning composition, colours and anatomy better. I took a few commissions and drew different looking canine characters (wolves and dogs were the only thing I wanted to draw at the time.)





As you can see, my art in general is about the lights and how I play with them. I started understanding that this is what I wanted in 2020. I got better at anatomy and I tried to find a style that could be my own. I still had issue drawing poses and did a lot of profile view for my characters, which is something I learned to avoid later in my progress.





In 2021 I finally started to have a style I could be proud of. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to stay with lineart and cell-shading or if I wanted to switch completely to painting. When I used lines and cell-shading, my art always looked flat. There was no volume, no good shading work, and I knew this could change with painting as there was no outline to respect.
This year I tried to go out of my comfort zone with landscapes and composition. I started thinking about why I wanted to draw a specific scene and what was the meaning behind it. Maybe you already saw this last artwork. It was for a FFXIV themed contest on DeviantArt and it received a Daily Deviation. It was the first and only one I got in my life since I joined DeviantArt, so I was really proud of it!





2022 was the year where I really started questioning my future life and job. I was at university at that moment. My license was necessary to have an alternative, but it wasn't what I wished to do in my life. I wanted to become an artist. I wanted all those years of practice to mean something. Not just for myself, but for my family and other people. I wanted to live from my passion.
I started understanding that art was not just a passion anymore, it was way more than that.
2022 is an important year for this reason, but also because it represents the biggest change in my art: from lineart and cell-shading to full painting. And this choice, made in summer 2022 during ArtFight, changed my vision and my confidence in my art. For the first time of my life, I was really proud of what I was able to draw. I knew I was slowly approaching my goal.





And we finally arrive to 2023, the year where I started working as a digital artist in august. 2023 also represented my final year in university and now I got my degree. I thank those 4 years of studies, because they helped me to gain maturity and to have more time to practice my skills. It was a hard fight but I did it, and today my new goal is to be able to live from my art. I will do everything I can to achieve that!

Do you have other interests?

I do! I am a pianist, self taught as well. I have original compositions and covers that I share on discord and sometimes on my instagram. Here you have my latest composition, as well as a link to almost all my audios. As piano is a very small part in what I create today, I don't have a proper place where I can share my audios, so you will have to download the files.You are not authorized to use my compositions and covers in any way. if you still wish to use them for something personal, you must contact me first, and I may still refuse. (In the case I accept, proper credit must be done, especially for my original audios.) Some of my original compositions are made for my characters and so are important to me.

I also like reading a lot. My favourite book series are Warrior Cats, the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, the Effigies... and my favourite comic is a french one, les Légendaires!I can also say I love anything that is related to myths and legends. I love studying mythology and learn about new things that can inspire my everyday life and art.Do you have any other question for me? Feel free to contact me, and if it's a question that goes back often, I will add it here.

© Rose-Hikari. All rights reserved.

Original Characters and Lore

Click to go directly to their page

My characters are really important to me, please do not copy, heavily reference, steal their artworks or repost without permission. It is a work in progress, meaning I will update this page with more characters once I have the time, inspiration, and visuals for them.
If you are a lore addict like me, feel free to contact me with your questions about my OCs, I love talking about them!
Happy reading! ♡︎Again, find the link to my comic site here if you want to read stories about my OCs that I create with friends!


Zedkiel (true name: Kiel | Dragon name: Hraesekiel) is my main character. He is my symbol and represents me as an artist. In FFXIV, he is also my main character and the one that has the most complex lore yet.

Story (summarized)

I. The first part of his lifeZedkiel was born in Melandra, a realm of my creation located in the northern mountains. It is a realm protected by dragons and is a part of the legends known in Ishgard and even beyond, in Eorzea. This kingdom was ruled by a King, Afnir, seconded by his wife Valkia. Zedkiel is their first child, and so a prince.A few days after his birth, Zedkiel almost died from an assassination attempt by two soldiers from another kingdom: Thrasia and Aravel. Both managed to escape, but failed to directly kill the newborn, leaving him with serious wounds that would eventually end his life. It is the reason why Afnir decided to bring his son to Hraesvelgr and perform an ancient ritual to save him. By doing so, Afnir passed to his son all his dragon power, becoming a simple human, and a mortal once again. Zedkiel received Hraesvelgr's blessing and the powerful dragon sealed his powers for now, knowing the child's dragon side would awaken at some point. The only mark that the newborn kept from this experience was a series of white glowy runes on his skin.Zedkiel's parents knew that their son wasn't safe anymore in Melandra. They decided to abandon the crown and try to find another place to live, leaving Melandra to arrive in the Coerthas. Their life, without the dragons and without money was harsh, but they were happy. 3 years later, Astra, Zedkiel's little sister, was born. She was a ray of sunshine for her family, a joy in life that never faded. But her health was fragile, and the cold didn't help...7 years later, Zedkiel lost his parents and his little sister in another assassination attempt and was saved by Aateris, an auri Dark Knight who promised to keep him safe. The child, traumatized by the death of his parents and his sister's disappearance, kept having nightmares and thought everyday about avenging them. That's why, when he turned 18 years old, he decided to become a dark knight too and follow the same path as his adoptive father. His second set of horns appeared on his forehead during the dark knight ritual, for an unknown reason. After that, the young adult completely changed. All he wanted was blood, revenge, and killing all his enemies. Aateris knew something was wrong and blamed himself for letting his adoptive son follow the same path as him.Zedkiel's life became a series of fights for freedom and way too much violence. All this suddenly ended in a very important battle, and the leader of the dark knights knew they would lose it. That's why he asked Zedkiel to escape, and made him promise to live for them all and to carry their hopes and dreams with him. After a lot of hesitation, Zedkiel finally left Aateris... and remembered he never had the courage or a chance to call him "Dad", and thank him for saving his life...

7 years old Zedkiel with Aateris, his adoptive father

II. A life without purposeAfter losing Aateris, Zedkiel decided to stop being a dark knight and left his sword, but the darkness never left him. Even after breaking his dark knight stone, something was still there, like a dark spirit always watching over him. And suddenly, one day, they met. The spirit said they were called "Hymerios" and were the embodiment of his vengeance and pain. When they first met, they had Zedkiel's appearance with the exception of a red glowy scar under their left eye.

Hymerios wanted Zedkiel to understand the meaning of his life, and to achieve that he brought him to a place where no one would find him. After telling him a bit more about himself, Hymerios finally revealed his true identity: a dragon, whose body was imprisoned and whose soul used the dark knight ritual to connect with Zedkiel in the hope he would help him someday. Zedkiel had many questions and Hymerios promised to answer all of them if he helped him.

To achieve this, Zedkiel had to face a memory from his past and then face Hymerios' soul directly. He knew that, by doing so, he would be connected to this dragon forever, but he also knew it was the right choice to do. He slowly placed his hand on the dragon's head and a blinding light flooded the area. After it disappeared, Zedkiel saw a figure in the distance, lying in the dead grass, unconscious. It was Hymerios' real human form.

Zedkiel waited for the dragon to wake up, and confronted him for lying to him: Hymerios was dying, and if Zedkiel hadn't helped him, he would simply have disappeared for eternity. It was at this moment that the young man felt something for someone else for the first time in his life.But their peace was only brief, as Zedkiel suddenly fell asleep, and found himself trapped in what appeared to be a nightmare. Noticing this, Hymerios used his powers to enter Zedkiel's dream and bring him peace, but what he discovered... was far from a mere dream.

III. Facing the RealityIt wasn't a dream, in the end. It was a spell, meant to trap Zedkiel somewhere to kill him, and Hymerios managed to break that spell and enter. After wandering in this strange area, he eventually found Zedkiel, sword in hand, fighting against a male Elezen. He knew this man was one of the reasons why Zedkiel was broken inside, and it was the truth: this elezen was Aravel, one of the two assassins sent years ago to kill the prince.

The two enemies fought under the powerless gaze of Hymerios, who was unable to intervene. Being provoked by Aravel, Zedkiel lost his temper and unleashed a strange power that seemed to consume him almost entirely, making him much more of a beast than a human at that very moment. This evil power was about to take hold of him completely when a blinding light shattered the sinister atmosphere of the area.
A beautiful young girl appeared, dressed in gold and surrounded by a soft aura. It was Astra, Zedkiel's little sister, who had sent him a vision, making him believe it was a message of farewell, as well as a request and a promise: to live for himself.

Astra's appearance appeased Zedkiel's anger, and he finally regained control of himself. He knew that Astra and his parents would always be by his side, and this feeling gave him the strength to strike down his enemy. His sister's magic transformed his blade and he delivered a single blow to his opponent, severely wounding him. Victory seemed within his grasp...

But this was without counting on the arrival of Aravel's sister, Thrasia, who saved her brother in-extremis and faced Zedkiel herself. Hymerios decided to intervene, as he could no longer bear to leave Zedkiel alone against two opponents. But the elezen, unlike her brother who was a paladin, was a mage, and incapacitated the black dragon with a sleep spell, leaving Zedkiel at her mercy.

Thrasia tried to break Zedkiel by telling him a false truth about his past and who he was. Her game ended as quickly as it had begun, for Hymerios had awakened far more quickly than she had anticipated, having successfully fought off the spell that had put him to sleep. Both were about to fight when a new person stepped in: Raelios, Aravel and Thrasia's father.

His arrival shocked Hymerios. They knew each other, and this man wasn't supposed to be alive. Zedkiel understood that something was wrong, and Raelios' children seemed uncomfortable in their father's presence... for a reason they didn't know. The truth was that Raelios had indeed died... and his body was now controlled by someone else, the real antagonist of this story, who was pulling the strings in the shadows.

[...]Later, with the help of Hymerios, Zedkiel learned who he really was, a dragon, as well as the crown prince of Melandra... The future Dragon King. It was then that the young man understood why he had had so many enemies in the past, why everyone seemed to take such an interest in him. His powers were the goal of too many people.Zedkiel and Hymerios decided to join forces to defeat their common enemies, and Raelios and Aravel were defeated. Thrasia, meanwhile, disappeared for many years, and the peace Zedkiel achieved came at a heartbreaking price: the death of Hymerios, who had sacrificed himself to help the future king defeat their enemies once and for all. It was with a light heart that Hymerios passed away, leaving Zedkiel alone once more, with hopes... and regrets.However, it wasn't over yet... for the identity of the person who had been pulling the strings in the shadows had still not been revealed...

IV. Future Life - A century later and beyondZedkiel later managed to rebuild his life, and fell in love again. Peace seemed at last to be in his grasp... but fate decided otherwise. The people of Melandra demanded the crown prince's return to become the next king. Zedkiel had no choice but to abandon his human life, the person he loved and his new family to fulfill his destiny. His coronation was the beginning of his new life as the Dragon King, and he was never the same again. Centuries passed, and Zedkiel once again found himself alone in this world, despite his status as king, for all those he had loved in his previous life had died of old age, while he would remain young... for eternity.


Present life - not yet Dragon King

- Current age: 35 years old.
- Height: around 180.0-185.0cm (shorter than every other male au'ra).
- Personality: cold, distant, teasing in a disrespectful way, mostly patient, proud.
- Likes: cats, sweets, fireworks, blue colour, leather, straps and chains, high heels, his sword, sandcastles, his guitars, taking care of his hair, fighting, using his fire powers.
- Dislikes: anything that can result in an humiliation, the sea (as water prevents him from using his fire), people pointing out his height, people disrespecting him or calling him "cute", head pats.

Future life - as Dragon King (AU)

- Age: Unknown, at least a few centuries old.
- Height: still around 180.0-185.0cm as a human. As a dragon, he can change it as he wishes.
- Personality: weary, patient, gentle, proud...
- Likes: cats, sweets, fireworks, blue colour, taking care of his hair, flying at sunset, taking care of his wings, help humans.
- Dislikes: anything that can result in an humiliation, the sea, people pointing out his height, people disrespecting him, sharing his astral feathers, fae pranks, umbral spells, anything that disturbs his peace, having to fight.

Art gallery

Some edits


Xentys is one of the most important characters in my story. He is the antagonist, the one who pulled the strings in the shadows for a very long time.

Story (summarized)

Xentys was born a thousand years ago, when Melandra was a relatively new kingdom still in search of a ruler. His family was respected and loved throughout the kingdom. A child prodigy with a joy for life, Xentys lived peacefully with his parents and older sister Alyanis. The reason the two children were so admired was because of their hair: it was golden and very long. They were nicknamed "Children of the Sun".Xentys was a kind child, always eager to help others. His smile alone was capable of restoring hope to the people of Melandra when times were hard. No one had ever seen the child cry or express the slightest sadness, so rumors about him began to spread, with some believing the child was a miracle, a gift from the gods.

He spent his childhood in peace, but human beings are what they are, and years later conflicts arose over who would get the crown of Melandra. It wasn't just a crown, and Xentys' parents knew it: it was above all the power of dragons, entrusted by Avaelia, the late queen of dragons. A power that naturally belonged to Xentys' family, and to no one else, for they were the guardians of the crown. However, they had no time to make any decisions...One influential man, whose name was unknown, wanted the crown to become Melandra's first king. So one night, he rallied people to his cause and attacked the palace and surrounding mansions, including the Kaen's mansion. This event marked the beginning of a long war in the heart of the kingdom, and against the dragons who were supposed to protect the people and maintain order. On that tragic night, Xentys lost his father and mother in a fire, and never found his sister. He thought she was dead like them, even though he had never found her body. Aware that the world also had a cruel side, Xentys hid underground with other surviving children and young adults for months, coming out only a few times for supplies. He didn't mourn his parents' death, not in front of others. His sadness gradually turned to anger, a feeling he'd never felt before. This anger suddenly turned into a desire for vengeance, so strong that Xentys did the irreparable: he began to learn a forbidden magic, for many months, in the hope of obtaining the strength he needed to kill those who had destroyed his life. As he practiced this dark magic, Xentys' look changed: his blue eyes became light red and his blond hair became as black as jet.A friend of Xentys, aware of what he was doing, tried to stop him, but to no avail. Being a mage himself, and knowing that his friend would go on to complete his apprenticeship in dark magic, he helped him contain this power with white runes which he painted on his body, sealing in the corruption. This is how, despite a very dark power in his body and heart, Xentys remained in control of his thoughts and movements.

Xentys grew up in the heart of darkness, and finally succeeded in getting his revenge, killing the first king of Melandra, the man whose name he didn't know, who had been the leader of the first conflict in this war. But in doing so, he came to be regarded as the greatest criminal of all, and was captured. He was imprisoned for many months and tortured, but managed to resist. His imprisonment had the most dramatic effect on him: without light to amplify the power of his runes, they weakened, and the seal maintaining the darkness broke. He lost his identity and became a being driven solely by the desire for vengeance, which went beyond the death of Melandra's first king. This man had a family, and a son. Xentys swore to kill every member of the family he considered an enemy, until he could reclaim the crown, his direct inheritance.[...]Xentys spent the next thousand years trying to reclaim his heritage, but it was no easy task: the wearer of the crown possessed the power of dragons, and with sufficient fortitude, could become a dragon themselves. One by one, the members of the family Xentys hated more than anything fell before him, but one of them caused him much more trouble than the others: Afnir, the greatest king of Melandra ever known, and Zedkiel's father. He was a man of uncommon nobility and courage. He ruled for almost 500 years, living most of the time as a dragon, until the day he had his first child: Zedkiel. This child was a symbol of hope, not just for his family, but for the entire kingdom. He was the key to a prophecy written long ago, which said that a person would be born and use their powers to unite dragons and humans, becoming the guardian of an era of peace.Knowing this, Xentys realized that Zedkiel would be the very last member to be eliminated, and so he prepared the darkest of plans to get what he wanted. The corrupted man was able to manipulate people's minds like puppets, and used certain Ishgardians to form a bloodline that would become Zedkiel's worst enemy... and so the story of the Prince of Dragons began, everything having been written long ago. Xentys was the one who pulled the strings of his destiny in the shadows, until the day of their first meeting...

But there's another thing worth knowing... Astra, Zedkiel's little sister, was never killed on the night their parents were murdered. Xentys himself had gone to the scene of the tragedy and suddenly saw the little girl, freezing, in front of a soldier with his sword raised towards her. Seeing this, Xentys had a flash, a memory came back, and he didn't know exactly why, but he acted. He killed his own soldier without giving him a chance to hurt the child, and approached her. The child, traumatized by the coming of her death, had fainted. Xentys knew he could have left her there, but he refused, and took her in his arms before leaving. This is how he kept Astra close to him in his mansion in the mountains, and developed deep feelings for her over the years after she became an adult.

The man who was incapable of feeling the slightest emotion under normal circumstances was gentle and attentive in Astra's presence. She was the only one capable of making him see reason... but that wasn't enough.A tragedy never comes alone and Astra died at the age of 25. She always had a fragile health, and her illness would have caught up with her eventually...but that wasn't what killed her. Xentys didn't want to lose her, and did his best to find a cure for her illness, even though he knew it was impossible. The young woman then told him that she wanted to go back to Melandra one last time to see her favorite flowers. Xentys knew the risks of going there, but still carried her to this field of flowers she loved so much. He knew she would live her last moments there, and didn't want her to leave in pain. So he did something he never did again in his life: he kissed her, and it was his kiss that killed her because of his corruption, but in a gentle way, and slowly, very slowly, she closed her eyes and told him farewell with one last smile.[...]Astra's death broke Xentys' heart, whose suffering allowed his corruption to control him even more, and he never fell in love again. Killing his last enemy, Zedkiel, was now his one and only reason for living...


Present life - During the first century of Zedkiel's life.

- Current age: above a thousand years old.
- Height: around 170.0-175.0cm.
- Personality: cold, cruel, proud, intelligent, impossible to read.
- Likes: unknown.
- Dislikes: unknown.

Future life - a thousand years later. (AU: Zedkiel and Xentys's fight finally ended and they found peace. Alyanis came back and helped her little brother to fight his corruption and get his redemption.)

- Age: above two thousand years old.
- Height: around 170.0-175.0cm.
- Personality: kind, shy, eager to help others.
- Likes: helping people, nature, stars and anything related to space, the shadows he created to keep him company in his mansion after Astra's death, his familiar Midnight, a cat.
- Dislikes: very spicy curry (someone knows)...

Some edits


Ivenis is a character that first appeared in one of my AUs taking place in the First Shard, following certain settings of the Shadowbringers story.

Story (summarized)

Ivenis is a young viera with surprising powers and a strong link with the light. His story is still unknown as he is very secretive about his past. His body is covered in golden marks resembling floral patterns, strongly reminiscent of the beings that once dominated the world and terrified its inhabitants: the Sin Eaters. His beauty is matched only by the emptiness in his eyes, as if he no longer had a soul. His silence and unfailing calm are evidence of an extremely painful and sad past.
Zedkiel was the first to meet him, when he felt an incredible amount of light emanating from one place. He saw him, this solitary young viera, moving slowly forward with no clear goal in mind, leaving a trail of light behind him. He may not have been a Sin Eater in the strict sense of the word, but he sure looked like one. And what he did next proved Zedkiel's thoughts, for the viera transformed two wolves into minor Sin Eaters, simply by touching them. It was a previously unknown power that had been revealed.
Ivenis was a prisoner of himself, fighting an invisible battle against a voice in his head that was trying at all costs to take control of him. When this mysterious being had the upper hand, Ivenis didn't speak at all, and looked at people without seeing them. His magic was then able to create new Sin Eaters by touch, by sharing a part of his light with them. And when this being was silent, Ivenis looked like any other child, curious, shy and kind. His powers were dormant and he was no threat... or so everyone thought.
"Don't be fooled by appearances" is an expression that everyone knows, and yet... The incredible beauty of the viera fooled many people. His facial features were quite feminine, his snowy hair silky and his pale skin soft. He was capable of unparalleled elegance, and on the rare occasions he spoke, his calm, sympathetic voice was merely a way of luring those who listened to him. Like a siren, his songs were bewitching, a death trap that very slowly closed in on its victims.

Ivenis was not born with these golden marks on his body. They were the result of experiments he had undergone when he was very young, and so he developed a silent hatred for humans who were not like him. He didn't trust anyone, and was convinced that attacking them first was the best way to defend himself. He used his magic against many humans, but his judgement killed no one. Unable to show such cruelty, he simply plunged humans into an eternal sleep so that they could spend eternity regretting their sins. Little by little, the once human viera became something else... a superior being, a god among men, a judge in the light.
For a moment, Ivenis showed his true personality as if it had all been a dream. This is how Zedkiel and his companions became aware of the suffering of this child, who nonetheless expressed no regret, sadness or dark thoughts. He was pure, innocent of the evil that hovered over him, threatening to close its wings over his fragile figure.
Unfortunately, the destiny of this viera was not a happy one. The voice in his head was constantly present, trying to corrupt his thoughts and make him do the irreparable. Ivenis was still partly human, and the being trying to control him was in fact the side of his soul that wasn't human... but that of a Sin Eater. The more time passed, the more this side of his personality took over from everything else, without anyone noticing. And one day... the worst happened.One night, Ivenis ran away from the castle where he was living with his new family. He took something with him, something that would cause suffering all around him. And suddenly, the starry sky disappeared, giving way to an endless light. The Everlasting Light had returned to the sky, a sign that something terrible had happened. The viera was no more. The voice in his head had taken complete control and forced him to go and find the other Sin Eaters, and absorb their light. As Ivenis' health had always been fragile due to the abundance of light in his body, it had been very easy for evil to corrupt him. His light had attracted a large number of minor Sin Eaters to him, who were in reality a sacrifice so that he himself could complete his own transformation... That of the reincarnation of the most powerful Sin Eater who had ever existed: the last Light Warden.

What happened during that night was never written, but in the end, it made one victim, killed by his own sword that the viera stole. It was the first and only victim Ivenis made, and in his last moments, the injured man saved him. He used all his powers to free the viera from his corruption, in the hope of making him human again...The Light Warden was no more.[...]Now adult, Ivenis still keeps marks of this past experience. His skin is now covered in light cracks with gold, his hair is extremely long and his eyes have no more emotions in them. He is broken. The light in him is still powerful, but he has control over it this time, and cannot turn into a Light Warden again. This chapter of his life will never come back. Sometimes he remembers the sacrifice of this man who saved him, a sacrifice that forced this person to say goodbye to a part of his soul... forever.
He would never be the same.


Present life - as a child

- Age: 15 years old.
- Height: around 140.0-145.0cm.
- Personality: shy, silent, kind.
- Likes: books.
- Dislikes: any kind of violence.

Future life - as an adult

- Age: 150 years old.
- Height: around 170.0-175.0cm.
- Personality: silent.
- Likes: unknown.
- Dislikes: unknown.

(to be continued)

© Rose-Hikari. All rights reserved.

art commissions INFO

First of all, thank you very much for checking my page and for your interest in my art! You can see all my art examples on my DeviantArt, if the examples posted here are not enough. I also give my instagram art account, that I also update once a new piece is made:

Please take a look at my gallery and TOS before thinking about contacting me for a commission! There are themes I am more comfortable working with than others/themes I draw better. I might refuse to take your commission if I know what you're looking for isn't something I can do.What I can draw:
- Humans
- Canines
- Other species
- Dragons/Mythical creatures
- Very complex characters (I never say no to a challenge!)
What Iwon't draw:
- NSFW in any way
- Anything that goes under racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory themes
- Extreme gore (I can draw blood and wounds, but no more than that)
Prices got updated for the reopening of my commissions, if you contacted me before that, you're fine, we keep the previous price!



One emote is 12€, but the price can change depending on what you're asking and how your character looks. I can make any expression/emotion and you're free to give me references from emotes or expressions you'd like.I also make sticker versions (for discord mostly) and it doesn't cost you more, it takes 2 minutes for me to add a better quality image to fit the sticker format.


The first image shows personal emotes only, for my main OC Zedkiel. The second one is commissions!

Portraits & Busts


For portraits:"Sketchy" (no colours/with colours): 50€/60€
Flat colours (with clean lines): 80€
Shaded (we keep the lines): 110€
Painted: 140€
For busts:"Sketchy" (no colours/with colours): 60€/70€
Flat colours (with clean lines): 90€
Shaded (we keep the lines): 120€
Painted: 160€
+ Background: +10€Note that the prices can change depending on the character's complexity! These are just the base prices.




"Sketchy" (no colours/with colours): 80€/95€
Flat colours (with clean lines): 130€
Shaded (we keep the lines): 150€
Painted: 180€
(Without background addition. For this addition, please look to the "full illustration" part).Note that the prices can change depending on the character's complexity! These are just the base prices.




"Sketchy" (no colours/with colours): 110€/125€
Flat colours (with clean lines): 160€
Shaded (we keep the lines): 210€
Painted: 260€
(Without background addition. For this addition, please look to the "full illustration" part).Note that the prices can change depending on the character's complexity! These are just the base prices.


Full illustration


I consider "full illustrations" to be completely painted artworks (doesn't include portraits/busts with backgrounds, only halfbody and fullbody), featuring good details, as well as a painted background representing a landscape, scene or anything close to that. The price range is usually between 300€ and 800€, depending on:- Complexity: complex composition/character/scene/perspective/detailed elements
- How much of the body we see, some complex illustrations can show half the body, for example, due to perspective.
- Amount of characters.
I give the price to the client once we discussed the details, so it is better if you come to me with a clear idea in mind!


Full illustration example 2: Experimental

I have a different style when it comes to full illustration, and I am also capable of mixing my 2 styles. This one is more of a traditional style with lines, and so it can end in semi painting. The prices for this style are the same range as the painted one, between 300€ and 800€ and it depends on the same things! But as it takes less time to do, it will surely be cheaper than a fully painted art.


As it is currently an experimental style, I don't have many examples. I will add more soon!

Character Design & Reference Sheet


For character designs:My price range goes between 150€ and 700€, depending on the complexity of the character and how many forms it has (for example a dragon and a human form).For reference sheets:- Already existing character that requires a new reference (it can also be a design you adopted/bought from me long ago): between 100€ and 300€, depending on the complexity of the reference you're asking for (if there are a lot of important details/texts/palettes to add)/if the character has multiple forms (simple or complex ones).- New character that I must design: check the prices for character designs. The reference sheet will be an extra price that can go up to 100€ depending on complexity (template/extra details/palettes).


Once again, my gallery links, and I also added my ToyHouse link, so you can check all my characters and see the ones I designed/the artworks that are not considered "full illustrations" and so are not posted on my official portfolio.

© Rose-Hikari. All rights reserved.

FFXIV commissions

1: Edited Screenshots


I don't have fixed prices for edited screenshots. The price is discussed with the client depending on multiple things:- Complexity: composition in portrait/landscape format, painting clothing, wings, magic effects, painting the full background etc...
- The amount of characters on the picture and how much of the body we see.
- The style itself: I am more used to work with certain themes, such as cyberpunk/fantasy/space/glow, so if you're looking for something completely different that requires me to study the subject, it might cost a bit more.
My price range is usually between 30€ and 250€, but it can cost more if multiple pictures are asked, such as a comic idea with screenshots with strong editing on each of them.I do NOT accept to be commissioned as a photographer for events, meaning I have to do a lot of pictures in a few hours. As I edit all of them, I want my work to look clean and this type of commission simply doesn't work for me. I also do NOT accept nsfw requests! I don't do nsfw work in any way.


Please check my FFXIV instagram account if you wish to see all my edits, as well as the before edit versions in my posts, for comparison!

2: Tattoos, scales and makeups


-For TATTOOS, the price is decided when discussing the details with the client, depending on multiple things:- Complexity: if the design is simple/hard to recreate, requires different textures (fully painted) such as watercolours, metal, glow, brush strokes etc.
- Amount of work: if the design is for arms/back/chest/halfbody/fullbody
- The style itself: I am drawing better when it comes to certain styles, such as glow, fantasy, runes, but I can work with anything!
My price range is usually between 60€ and 300€. Most of the time, it goes this way: you pay me once I am ready to work on your tattoo, and you will get it done as soon as possible and will receive lots of update. If I have a lot of work already planned, the only thing that can make you wait is the waitlist itself, because I schedule my commissions to: get paid for one, finish it, then contact the next customer on my list to work on theirs. (this may change in the future depending on the amount of work I have.)I don't create NSFW tattoos! (talking about design/tattoo placement.)

For MAKEUPS, my price is usually 30€, but it can change if you ask for multiple makeups and/or the makeup is complex (for example, it asks me to create a fake 3D if you want to add scales or anything that needs 3D)




The first example is personal, the second one is an experimental commission (body + face + custom tail textures). For now, I don't really offer to do scale works, but you can still contact me for that and we will discuss it, because I might have time to do that or like your idea! Just in case, my price range for scales is between 100€ and 400€ since they're entirely painted on 2k or 4k textures. The final price will be decided once I have discussed the details with you and know the complexity of your dream design.

I do not have makeups images to show, but I can work with any style, any reference! Makeup extra details can include face glow/fake 3D/scales-horns edits for au'ras etc...

3: Eyes

With Drawntrail I learned something new: Eyes! I work with 2 different methods that I'm sure will interest some of you!:- Method 1: by keeping the diffuse black and white and the mask untouched (blue channel), I am able to make the diffuse work with your vanilla eye colours, meaning if you wish to change your colours in game, you'll be able to choose any and they will never clash with your new eye texture. However, this limits us a lot, especially if you want multiple colours in your eyes. It's still possible to add colours on the diffuse texture while using this method, but the said colour will mix with your vanilla eye colours and may give unwanted results!- Method 2: this method is my favourite, it allows me to replace entirely your vanilla eye colours with a completely new and coloured texture. It prevents you from changing your eye colours in game, as the texture goes above the vanilla eyes to replace them, but this method allows me to draw as many details and colours as I want on the diffuse, making the possibilities endless!IMPORTANT: if you wish for asym eyes, remember that they are not compatible by default with sculpts! Me and a friend managed to find a way to make them compatible, so in the case you use a sculpt and want asym eyes, it will be possible! I won't charge for this as it literally takes me 5-10 minutes to do.- I am also able to work with the mask texture and its color channels, as well as creating a fake 3D on the normal map and playing with most eye shaders to have the best results possible.- One eye texture: base price between 30 and 40€ depending on complexity. If I consider that your eyes are way more complex and require a lot more work, I may charge more.
- Two eye textures (as asym eyes exist, or for multiple characters): base price between 45 and 55€ depending on complexity, and if you wish for a recolour for second eye (in the case of heterochromia) or a completely different texture. If you ask me something that is difficult or out of my comfort zone, I may charge more!
The price includes:- One (or multiple) drawn diffuse textures, symmetrical/asymmetrical eyes.
- Reworked normal textures.
- Reworked mask textures.
- Shader editing in game, to give the best results possible with brightness/glow/reflection... (new since DT).
- Ready modpack for import, so no loose file install required (guides included in case the eyes need to be ported to another face).
- All exchanges, fixes/adjustments, help needed for install and design.
- Blender editing + manually making a second eye material in case the client uses mods that affect models and wants asymmetrical eyes.

4: VFX editing

I am able to modify vfx for both gear and weapons!
(Both colourset and vfx editing to create something new. I am able to merge a lot of different vfx together, modify their colour, position, rotation etc... One of my sets contains at least 8 vfx per weapon, from 8 different weapons. For gear, I am able to add any vfx that comes from weapons/gear and edit everything on them, colour, position, scale etc, see my examples below for direct visual!
- I don't have set vfx prices. It depends on a lot of things, as some weapons/body placements are harder to work with than others. My price range for vfx is usually between 20 and 150€, depending on the complexity of your request, how many vfx need to be used, if it requires further editing than just recolouring them etc. Price is always discussed with the client before starting a project!Please note that your request may cost more than 150€ if I consider that it's really complex!

All my current examples are personal works for my characters, I won't be making as a commission something that looks too close to what I already made. Details can be discussed and I can use the same or similar vfx, but note that it will look different even if taken inspiration from.

DT Update

Pre dt

© Rose-Hikari. All rights reserved.

Terms of Service

By commissioning me in any kind of way, you are agreeing to the terms of service below:

I. General Terms

⧫ I reserve the right to refuse or discontinue a commission at any time.
⧫ Any disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and your commission will be cancelled if it occurs.
⧫ When commissioning me, please come with good references of what you want. If you are unsure, you can ask for my advice/artistic choices, but remember, in the end, you are the one who knows why you chose to commission me.
⧫ The terms that you can read here may vary slightly depending on the type of commission.
⧫ If you fail to follow the rules provided, I have the right to decline your commission.

II. Payments and Fees

⧫ All payments must be paid in full upfront. I will only accept payment plans with customers I already worked with/have my trust.
⧫ Payment is done through paypal, in euros. I send an invoice to the client with all the details. I also ask the client to write me their full name to be added on the invoice, as in my country, full information is recommended on the invoices.
⧫ Additional fees will be charged for excessive or major revisions (some minor revisions may be free if I decide so).

III. Clients Obligations

⧫ Please write in a clear manner and provide references if you can when commissioning me. I will not do character designs with only a description, I need to be sure I can follow the direction you want.
⧫ You are free to provide me image references/moodboards/song references.
⧫ Maintain professional conduct throughout the commission process.
⧫ Show that you are invested in the process. When I work, I usually send the customer work in progress images to make sure it's what they want. Please do not take days to respond to me, as it will hinder the progress of the commission.
⧫ Assume responsibility for any important information/description you fail to provide me that results in my inability to complete your commission to your full satisfaction. To avoid that, I will summarize and ask multiple times if that's exactly what you want.
⧫ Read carefully through my ToS and Commission information before commissioning me.

IV. Process and Work Schedule

⧫ The resolutions of my artworks are almost always under 5000x5000 px. Larger resolutions will be possible with an additional fee.
⧫ Once a commission is approved, I will work on a sketch and send it for approval. I accept to make small revisions to the sketch, and only one complete revision if that's not what you originally wanted/changed your idea (but please don't change your idea after I start working on it.)
⧫ Depending on how you contacted me, I will send WIPs through discord private messages, deviantart notes, instagram private messages... It's easier for me to work through discord, so please consider contacting me there. If for a reason you can't find my discord, contact me either on deviantart/instagram and give me yours.
⧫ All sketches and WIPs pictures will be in lower resolution + watermarked.
⧫ Deadlines must be agreed upon prior to the start of the commission.
⧫ I will do my best to work with the deadline we agree on, but please understand that sometimes, life can get in the way suddenly and in a completely unplanned way. If this happens (for example me having health issue), I will update you as soon as possible.

V. Revisions

⧫ I allow one major revision and multiple small revisions during the sketch phase of the commission. It will be included in the commission price.
⧫ I will not allow major revisions after the sketch phase. You must be sure that the sketch follows the direction you wanted, I won't change the whole concept during painting phase. I can allow very minor changes during the painting phase, if certain small elements of the piece are not what you're looking for.
⧫ Revisions due to my own negligence are free.
⧫ It is up to my discretion as to what constitutes minor and major revisions.

VI. Copyright & Usage Policy

⧫ I, the artist, retain the rights over any commissioned works.
⧫ I reserve the right to use the artworks to promote myself in any place or site.
⧫ I reserve the right to stream/show videos/speedpaints of the creation of the artwork and upload them.
⧫ Any characters portrayed in the commissioned work remain copyrighted to their rightful owners.
⧫ The final product is strictly for your personal use only. Commercial rights must be discussed with me, and I have the right to refuse.
⧫ You must credit me and link my pages for the art and/or the design if you commissioned me for a custom design.
You may use or edit the commissioned work in the following ways:
⧫ Print the art for personal use only.
⧫ Crop/resize the art if you want to use it for an avatar, a banner etc... but credit must be the same and you do not have the right to alter the original artwork in different ways than the one said above.
⧫ You are allowed to repost the commissioned art on your social medias with credit to my name and pages.
If you break the copyright infringement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be retracted.The following is considered Copyright infringement:⧫ Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially (unless permission was given). You don't have the right to make money with a commissioned artwork in any way.
⧫ Taking credit for the creation of the artwork.
⧫ Removing any watermarks/signatures.
⧫ Altering the artwork without my consent.
In the case I accept, a purchase of Commercial rights to the artwork will always be 300% of original price.
⧫ With commercial rights you are allowed to make any sort of merch with the artwork.
⧫ Use it in books, covers, as Props, change it to your liking and promote your own brand with.
⧫ Credit is still required for usage of the artwork, even if altered or edited.

VII. Cancellation & Refunding Policy

⧫ I have the right to cancel and refund the money for your commission at any time.
⧫ Once the final product is approved, a refund is not permitted.
⧫ If money has not been sent yet the commissioner has the right to cancel the commission.
⧫ You may cancel the commission any time, after which I will issue a refund equivalent to the amount of work not done.
⧫ If you file a chargeback against me, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted. You will forbidden to ever commission me again and you will be blacklisted. Your name will be shown publicly for others to watch out for. I also have every right to file a complaint and I have all the right to the money you have given me.
Any statement can be bound to change if discussed with me, the artist, prior to the commission.

© Rose-Hikari. All rights reserved.